Issue 2, 2019

Гражина Шват-Гълъбова
Instytut Slawistyki PAN ORCID 0000-0003-3930-2084
Виолета Русева
Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“
Мая Горчева
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies
Ангел Игов
Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски"
Снежанка Ракова
Югозападен университет "Неофит Рилски"

Гражина Шват-Гълъбова Мигриращи идеи в капсулите на (без)паметта
Grażyna Szwat-Gyłybowa Grażyna Szwat-Gyłybowa

  • Summary

    This article is dedicated to the problems in the research on the processes of creating local ideas for the so-called cultural universals of modernity from the point of view of the history of ideas. The author focuses her attention on the Project entitled Migrating Ideas in the Slavic Balkans. XVIII-XX century (OPUS 2014/13/B/HS2/01057) which was implemented in the period 2015-2018 in the Polish Academy of Sciences; she presents its formulations and reveals its obscure connections with the Polish (Warsaw) tradition of the history of ideas, analyzes the risks posed by the methodological ‘uncertainty’ of the study arising from an inter(trans)-disciplinary approach.

    Keywords: history of ideas, southern Slavic cultures, Balkans, modernization, cultural adaptation

Виолета Русева „Богомилски легенди” на Николай Райнов – неразчетената мистификация
Violeta Ruseva Nikolai Rainov’s Bogomilski legendi: An Unrecognized Mystification

  • Summary

    Bogomilski legendi (Legends of the Bogomils) by Nikolai Rainov is a unique book that can be said to have Protean qualities insofar as each of its four editions, published in 1912, 1918, 1938 and 1989, presents a different version of the text. Because of this peculiarity readers’ responses to the book have tended to vary, and even commentaries by professional literary critics have often given the impression of being about totally different books rather than about different editions of the same text. Rainov edited Bogomilski legendi extensively. The book’s four editions differ in a number of significant ways but are best approached as a composite text. 
    This article links the book’s Protean textuality to medieval manuscript culture in which a text existed in several different versions because it was copied by different scribes. The first edition of Bogomilski legendi contains intertextual references to the Bible and The Secret Book of the Bogomils. It also invokes a number of medieval apocrypha which were subsequently brought to the attention of the Bulgarian reading public by the literary historian Yordan Ivanov, who published his Bogomilski knigi i legendi (Books and Legends of the Bogomils) in 1925. The correspondences between the first edition of Rainov’s book and the apocrypha suggest that Bogomilski legendi may be read as a literary mystification. The article presents such a reading.

    Keywords: Nikolai Rainov, Bogomil legends, Yordan Ivanov, mystification, textuality

Ангел Игов Царкиня в градината: кое е общото между Димчо Дебелянов и Езра Паунд
Angel Igov Princess in the Garden: Whatever Is Shared between Dimcho Debelyanov and Ezra Pound

  • Summary

    Bulgarian poet Dimcho Debelyanov and renowned modernist Ezra Pound independently used an epigraph from a common literary source in a poem by French symbolist Albert Samain. The paper discusses this coincidence with regard to two basic functions of epigraph as paratext: to broaden the interpretation of the quoting work, and to perform rhetorical gestures. Through an epigraph-focused interpretation of both works, the paper outlines the capacity of literary epigraphs to produce complex intertextual links, exhibiting valence both inward, i.e. within the own text, and outward, reaching to other texts and the broad field of intertextuality.

    Keywords: epigraph; intertextuality; interpretation; paratext; symbolism; modernism

Дияна Николова Парадоксите на една несбъднала се рецепция
Diyana Nikolova The Paradoxes of Unattained Reception

  • Summary

    The text discusses one aspect of the receptive horizon of Bulgarian literature – the lack of active reception of such writers as Thèophile Gautier, Henri de Régnier, and Andrè Gides. The focus falls on their works which reveal a modern way of working with the pastoral code and their absence in receptive circles in our country; on the feeble interest our literature (and reading public) displays towards the pastoral in its “classical” and modern shape. The observations here are limited mostly to the cultural processes from the first half of the 20th century but I also touch upon the contemporary reception in Bulgarian translation of pastoral works as well as the critical reception of writers such as Kiril Merdzhanski.

    Keywords: reception; pastoral; bucolic code; modernism; Silver Age; Thèophile Gautier; Henri de Régnier; Andrè Gides; P. Y. Todorov; K. Merdzhanski

Преглед / Review

Мая Горчева Днешните изследвателски подстъпи към душата
Maya Gorcheva Contemporary Investigation of the Soul

  • Summary

    The title of the reviewed collection quotes Aristotle's ΠΕΡΙ ΨΥΧΗΣ, however, the book compounds 37 contributions that give insights to the notion through a large scale of sciences: philosophy, psychology, cultural studies, linguistics, etc. The Soul is examined as a notion, but also as an entity in common practices, concerning other objects and contexts, or exemplified by myths and literary plots.

    Keywords: soul; soul-body dichotomy; collection

Снежанка Ракова Литературни и исторически документи в монографията
на Елeна Азманова-Рударска „Иван Грозев в българската литература“

Snezhana Rakova Literary and Historical Documents in the Monograph by Elena Azmanova-Rudarska

  • Summary

    This review presents the work of Azmanova as a new approach to the personal life of Ivan Grozev with a presentation of details in connection with the contributions from his literary work and social activities. The book reveals interesting documents from various archives and libraries and the good result, visible through the content, is specifically noted.

    Keywords: Ivan Grozev; Bulgarian Literature; Historical Documents

Хроника / Chronicles

Емилия Алексиева Зависимият човек. Фактори на зависимостта
Национална научна конференция с международно участие

Emilia Alexieva Conference “The Dependent Man. Factors of Dependency”

  • Summary

    The conference “The Dependent Man. Factors of Dependency” (15-17 April 2019) focused on the essential societal problematic, stated in its title, by paying attention to different ways dependency can resonate in people’s lives. The interdisciplinary character of this academic venue reflected in the various aspects of dependency and the attempts to overcome that have been analyzed in the presented papers. One group of papers was from the domain of literature. Other groups of papers dealt with different domains and perspectives, such as folklore, history, philosophy, psychology, theater, etc. In all presentations, the complex nature of the dependency in all of its forms was emphasized.

    Keywords: dependence; freedom; slavery; obedience; typology; authority; language