Инна Пелева
Академичните публикации – регулации, ограничения, възможности
Inna Peleva
Academic Publications: Regulations, Limitations, Opportunities
The article focuses on how state regulations of academic promotion affect research and publication policies. The text highlights other factors that exercise pressure on researchers: the mechanisms of funding research, the political conjuncture, and the dominant ideology. The author claims that excessive regulation in the academic sphere does not stimulate genuine contributions to knowledge, nor does it encourage researchers to enlighten society, i.e. inform the general public about discoveries and ideas in the respective field.
Keywords: legal principles in the academic sphere; assessment of research; institutions and research; funding of research
Николай Аретов
За академичните публикации: субективно и пристрастно
Nikolay Aretov
Academic writing: A subjective and biased perspective
This essay expresses subjective objections to some characteristic features of academic writing and publishing. The focus is on pursuing the required number of publications related to the authors‘ career growth and the consequences of meeting this requirement. Some of the problems associated with selecting the texts in the scientific publications and their evaluation according to the requirements of scientometrics are highlighted. An increasingly widespread model of scientific texts and the formal requirements it imposes are also commented on.
Keywords: academic writing, career, publications, scientometrics
Георги Няголов
За общественото въздействие на науката
Georgi Niagolov
On the societal impact of research
The article outlines the international discussions surrounding the evaluation of research to demonstrate the evolution of the concept of „impact“ – from impact solely as a contribution to knowledge, through impact as a contribution to knowledge and the economy, to impact as a contribution to knowledge, the economy, and society. It discusses two approaches to evaluating societal impact and analyses the current state of research evaluation in Bulgaria. In conclusion, the argument is made that societal impact should be systematically evaluated also in Bulgaria.
Keywords: research, accountability, scientometrics, societal impact
Димитър Камбуров
Литературоведският дискурс: изследване, опит, събитие
Dimitar Kambоurov
Literary Discourse: Research, Essay, Event
Literature is an art studied as a discourse through the discourses of the humanities. Art academies form musicians, artists, etc., whereas the literary academy – teachers and researchers. As a discourse, literature provokes interest through its ability to present while hiding, i.e. as an allegory to unveil, its contextualisation being its flip side. The interpretative approach produces essays that do not satisfy academic criteria because they do not provide teachable knowledge or articulate messages, nor do they refer to or upgrade the existing research field, as they decline continuity and any will for belonging to the academic community through reproducing its language. The integration of the two approaches is possible, however, in the reconsideration of literature as an emerging reality.
Keywords: academic discourse, literary research, literary education, literary history, analytical interpretative approach, literature as an emerging reality
Бойка Илиева
Академичните публикации – потребност и употреба
Boyka Ilieva
The Academic Publications – Demand and Usage
This paper offers observations on some of the recently established practices in academic publishing in the field of humanities that directly relate to the introduction of minimum national requirements for the scholarly activity of aspirants for academic promotion. The enactment of the science metrics has mobilized the scientific community to strive for multiple academic publications and an increase in their citation rate. A troubling question as to whether the quantification of science diminishes its quality arises. On the other hand, the new requirements provoke the emergence of a number of pragmatic publishing strategies, some of which are at contradiction with academic ethics.
Keywords: academic publications, citation rates, science metrics, pragmatic strategies, academic ethics
Светлана Неделчева
Академичното писане от перспективата на редакторския опит
Svetlana Nedelcheva
Academic Writing from the Perspective of Editor’s Experience
Academic journals serve as a mediator for scholarly communication, promoting the dissemination of knowledge and innovation across academic disciplines. This article examines the structure and components of academic journal articles, highlighting their central role in sharing original research, presenting literature reviews, and scaffolding academic discourse. Additionally, we outline the distinguishing characteristics of different types of journals, including research journals, peer-reviewed journals, open access, and limited access journals. Understanding these factors would help young researchers, scholars and the whole academic community successfully navigate in the complex environment of academic journals, ensuring effective spreading of their work in the respective fields. A special attention is drawn to the editorial policies of Luboslovie, an annual journal of the Faculty of Humanities at Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen. Those policies aim to build a reciprocal dialogue between the editorial team and the authors to improve the quality of academic writing in line with the requirements set by the world databases to increase the bibliometric index.
Keywords: Academic Writing, Academic Journals, Article Reviews, Lyuboslovie international journal, Citation Styles, Scientometric Indices
Рая Заимова
Академичните публикации: начини на употреба
Raia Zaimova
Academic publications: modes of use
The paper traces the authors’ experiences of scholarly publishing in Bulgaria. Several lines are outlined that represent the editorial and publishing work especially in a journal with an interdisciplinary character in foreign languages. This proves to be a challenge for the authors and the international board. The text also presents observations on the quality of the articles offered and problems with authors wishing to grow in the academic hierarchy.
Keywords: scholarly publishing, periodicals, translations in foreign languages, academic hierarchy
Албена Вачева
„Значиии… Не такова продължение очаквах“. Читатели, коментатори, мрежови интерпретации
Albena Bacheva
“So... This is not the sequel I was expecting”. Readers, commenters, network interpretations
The main topic in the article is a question about the place and role of literature and different technics of interpretation, practiced by the readers. In the focus of the study are 4 novels very popular and representative about Bulgarian mass literature – and especially – about chick lit. The novels as "Za edna nosht", "Yoga, lyubov i drugi mitove", "Triumfat na kuchkite", "Triumfat na kuchkite (Prodalzhenieto)" provoke wide discussions in social networks. A new term – the social resemblance principle – is forged and used to explain the communicative position of big fan groups of readers, which in the process of literary texts explanation recognize chick lit novels as a description of reality. From that position they argue with the critically oriented readers, raising up fictional models to socially and moral valid norms in the battles for cultural categories interpretation.
Keywords: mass literature, readers, commentators, postfeminism, network interpretations, social resemblance principle
Камелия Спасова
Интелектуалисти и импресионисти: Минко Николов, Тончо Жечев и Искра Панова
Kamelia Spassova
Intellectualists and Impressionists: Minko Nilolov, Toncho Zhechev and Iskra Panova
In the chapter “Contemporary Myth-Making and Myth-Unmaking” from the book Between Deadlock and Humanism. On Some Phenomena of Modern Western Literature, published postmortem in 1967, Minko Nikolov delineates two divergent trends in Bulgarian critical thought during the 1960s in the Eastern Bloc. These tendencies constitute a good prism through which to interpret the critical debate on Zhechev’s “The Myth of Odysseus”. The trend of myth-making relates completely to Toncho Zhechev who constructs a modern myth of “return to homeland”, encompassing ancestors, family, village, tradition, or more broadly, a mythological, cyclical conception of time. The reverse trend of myth-unmaking in this context is attributed to Iskra Panova, Minko Nikolov, and the intellectualist vein in general. This article focuses on the debate between intellectualism (modern critical thinking) and impressionism (essayistic creative thinking) as preceding the structuralists/impressionists polemic in the 1970s. The basis of the intellectualists-impressionists conflict is an authentically Bulgarian-European axis that continues haunting our public discourse.
Keywords: Odysseus, cosmopolitan, conservative, mythmaking, demythologization, the tradition of anti-tradition, alienation
Светлана Стойчева
Книгата „Чудотворни богородични икони на Света гора“ – опит за иконология на чудото
Svetlana Stoicheva
The book “Miraculous Icons of the Theotokos on Mount Athos” – attempt with Iconology of the miracle
The review of Miroslav Dachev‘s book “Miraculous Icons of the Theotokos on Mount Athos” (Athoniada Library Series, Volume 9, 2023) is focused on the semiotic analysis of the miraculous images of the Mother of God in the Theotokos on Mount Athos. To explain the essence of the miracle, the place, time, name, and voice of the miraculous icons of the Holy Mother are examined individually. Additionally, their photographic images are included in the dialogue among all of them – one of the greatest achievements of Dachev‘s analysis.
Keywords: semiotics, icon, miraculous Theotokos icons, Theotokos on Mount Athos